The Climb

Hello Everyone!   We’re beginning our fifth month of our mission in the UK.  There are times it feels like a very steep mountain climb – and we are still not at the top!  And we have given so much already and used up more than we thought we had!  We’ve had some setbacks, too.  We’ve had to ask one set of renters at our house in Philmont to leave because they were damaging the house.   It would be so good if God sold it, so please continue to pray for that.  We will keep pressing on to see His plan in it all.

Also, culturally, the English are  quite different to Americans!  Missionaries face a very real set of cultural problems which are unknowable until actually on the field. And then the finances – the level of taxation here is much, much more than we experience in the US. It feels oppressive, and of course  housing and food costs are almost double what we would pay in the US.   Please pray for us to be encouraged that it is all worth it!!

So, you get an idea of how we need you all to pray for us!  We do have some good friends, and new ones all the time.  Some progress to report, too:  I’ll be teaching prophetic art at Elim Church starting in October and people are excited to begin.

Michael and I are registered as volunteer chaplains at two of the hospitals in Bristol, so with a really great team, we are able to go into these hospitals and pray for people.  Yay God!  There was a lot of red tape involved in that so it is quite a victory in Christ to have that open up.

I’ve joined the British Association of Iconographers and am looking forward to meeting them on Saturday at a talk in London.  The icon at the left is the result of my classes with a coptic iconographer.  I still prefer the Russian method!!

We will be attending a House of Prayer training week at a Retreat house in Wales later on in October.  Wales is a mystical place, and the presence of God is palpable at this place.  I hope to start a house of prayer here in Bristol which incorporates art making and prayer, so this will be helpful.

These are some wild horses that run on the moors above the retreat house in Wales.

Yes.  We always need your prayers, as you are in ours.  I know that God answers prayers, and even when we can’t see the answers, He is working on our behalf all the time.  We love hearing from you – have any of you received the replies I sent in answer to your blog comments?  Still trying to find out how it all works!

Happy Fall!

May God continue                                     to bless and prosper you.

Love and Peace,

Christine  and Michael Hales

12 thoughts on “The Climb

  1. Sounds to me like what you are doing is awesome work for the Lord. We do love to pray for you and hear what’s happening. Thanks for the update. More, Lord, more, for our friends, Michael and Christine.

  2. Wow guys, your dedication in the midst of such adversity is inspiring! There’s this fanciful idea of England in the minds of many Americans and so it;s sobering to hear the reality of the aversion the people have to the gospel and the severity of big government on the people. Yet, even the highest mountains can be brought low in an instant. Love you guys!


    1. Hi, Michael and Christine,
      Good to hear from you and to see how the Lord is working on your behalf. Glad to know you are in the hospitals, as that place can be quite lonely. We will be praying for your home in NY to sell, we here are also praying our house will sell. God bless you both as you labor for Him.

  3. Hello dear friends,
    Think of you often. So wonderful that the hospital have chaplains there and they are welcoming your volunteering visits. I tried to get into a hospital in Fairfax VA and met with much opposition and barriers, (no prosletyzing, no mention of prayer or Jesus to patient unless they reqeust it… sheesh!) I fugured I’ll jsut stick with the jail ministry at this point. Had taken a sabattical and was praying for the Lord’s will about going back or not or move to someting else and He gave the green light to go back to jail, teach and serve there… Praise the Lord.
    things are well with Jerry and I. Still painting weekly in class and venturing and exploring more and becoming more “right brain” in my work… definitely a work of God in my life!! He is so gentle and coaxes along,,, never pushing or pulling. Alleluia!
    We continue to pray for you, …for the sale of the NY home, and the New House of Prayer in Bristol. Yay God!! Love you both,

    1. HI Celine:

      Good news about the jail ministry. Can you do some prophetic art there? Could be really healing if you can. How’s your house coming? Yay – continue with the right brain exercises – you will be blessed! Love you!

  4. Blessings to you. Good to hear from you on your blog, always interesting. Happy to hear about teaching prophetic art and chaplaincy. May the power of the Spirit be on you both as you minister the love of Jesus to the thirsty and needy. Love, Sally and Alan

  5. Christine,
    you and Michael are such an inspiration to me. Every “little” victory is huge in the spirit realm. just think, you two are helping to change a nation. that’s no small feat. btw, where can we send donations if we want to sow seed into your ministry. maybe you can set up a paypal account right on your blog site. i certainly want to sow because i believe in what you two are doing. you are pouring your lives out for our Beloved King. and may you see the fruit of that in your lifetime. bless you and love you so much, christine

    1. Hi Christine: So good to hear from you and thanks for the encouragement -it goes a long way. I think we’re breaking through something in the spirit world – it finally feels like some of the oppression is lifting. Thank you for your prayers – the prayers of the saints are precious to Him, I know. Keep me posted on what you’re up to, girl! I know you’re heading somewhere powerful in the Spirit yourself!
      Love you!!

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