Monthly Archives: April 2013


IMG_3481Hello Friends and Family:

Such a slow, chilly spring.  I almost thought moles had eaten the daffodils I planted last fall, but yes, they are now coming up! photoI expect you are all ready for more warmth too, and we know that the day will come when it is all here.  Faith is like that too, and as we now find ourselves with Graduation for our Kingdom GSSM Satellite School we IMG_3409remember this time last year we didn’t even know that there would be a school.  IMG_3454We thought God was calling us to do a school but how?  In this past year, God has shown up in interesting ways when  we needed financial support, guidance, and God encounters with people.


On May 11, Fifteen students will be graduating from our school and we will be celebrating with a ceremony that includes an address by Pastor Jay Francis from Rock Road Chapel and IAM ministries, and a Prophetic Presbytery.  Some of our students have been invited to give presentations at local churches, teaching on Words of Knowledge, and healing prayer.  The response we are getting is that local churches are hungry to experience what our students have been learning all year.


Several of our students will be leading youth ministry in our area too, and it seems that our youth is eager to participate in developing a closer relationship with Jesus, too.

We are seeing the effect of our school on communities in our area. Christine wrote an article for a local paper about Community Transformation Through Prayer, which served as encouragement for a woman who feels called to bring a Revival to our town of Philmont by hosting a celebration of God in our local town park on June 1.  We were able to hold a meeting in our home for all the local pastors to get together and each will be sharing in some way with this Revival.  So exciting to see what God is going to do!photo

Now we are praying about what direction God wants to take Kingdom School for next year. We appreciate your prayers as always.

We believe that God is doing extraordinary things in these days and we see an Awakening around us. It is as though we are seeing the first flowers of the Holy Spirit spring, the crocus are starting to appear of His Kingdom. They are popping up all around and we are sure that there is going to be a powerful out pouring of the Holy Spirit. Commissioning celebration

Consider yourself invited to GRADUATION!! Either in prayer or in person. Bless you!! You are each in our prayers and we look forward to hearing from you,

In His love,

Christine and MichaelIMG_3520