Monthly Archives: October 2012

The Storm

Hello Friends and Family:

By now you have all heard the reports of the “great storm” passing through the eastern seaboard.  We experienced high winds and rain, with very heavy cloud cover, but, praise God, no damage.  Thanks to you all who have been praying for us.  Last night as we went to bed, we realized that there is absolutely nothing we could do but pray.

And we have been doing a lot of that!  This past month we went with fifteen students from our Kingdom School to a four day conference in Lancaster Pa.  It was Voice of the Apostles with Randy Clark, Bill Johnson, Georgian Banov, and Che Ahn, plus Heidi and Rolland Baker. It was an amazing conference – we learned a lot and experienced a lot of what God does when His Holy Spirit is allowed freedom to do what He wants to do!    

The Kingdom School, a satellite school of Global School of Supernatural Ministry, is going well.  Each week there are new teachings and some of our students have taken over leading worship, and it is very anointed. We are all blessed.  This school is something we had wanted to do for a long time.  It is the vehicle which allows us to share with others in our area who are hungry for more of God.

As part of our outreach component this month, the school visited with Charlie Muller of Victory Church in Albany. He spoke to the students and showed us his “Dream Space” in Albany.  It is a large warehouse building where they prepare food to feed the children in albany who don’t get food unless they are in school. He has so many good programs for the poor of Albany and we are starting to partner with him in volunteering .

We also visited the Capital City Rescue Mission which provides shelter and food for the homeless of Albany. That was inspiring, too, how much they do and what a difference they make in the lives of people who really need help.  We will be partnering with their ministry too.

I, Christine, have been working to finish up some of my commissions and starting others. I have two paintings in an exhibition in Woodstock and one in Hudson right now.  Several of my icons will be on display in New Jersey in the spring.  Most importantly, I am coming into a sense of what God is calling me into  in art.  More on that another time:).

I think our prayer requests at this time are for protection, and multiplication!  In starting this school we have taken a risk to do something different and so we need favor, grace and love to follow us in order to complete what God has started here.  We are very grateful for all your prayers and know that our success is your success too.  I think God is very happy when we all are happy.  And making others happy is a great gift.  So, thank you for your help with our ministry – we couldn’t do it without you!

I have also been working on some new websites like:, and www.iconwriting  I’ve started a new look for our website, too.  All this is to prepare you for the fact that Kingdom arts Ministry is going to have a new look coming soon, too!  This reorganization will simplify our web presence and also increase our web traffic.  It takes a lot of time, but will provide a good infrastructure for our ministry for the future.

And speaking of the future!  I’ve just completed a year long process to file for our non profit status.  The final papers have been sent in, so more prayers are in order!  We are very excited about that and will let you know when it is complete.

So, you see, we came back from England to re-group and it has been very rewarding.  We will be doing short term missions in the future, and praying about where God wants us to take the school next.

Looking forward we feel that we are again being drawn to focus on our own neighbourhood with a place that we can offer art classes, iconography classes, have

Kingdom school and a healing prayer center. God’s call to ‘build an ark in Philmont’ is still very much alive and although in the natural there does not seem to be a way forward for it in the supernatural it feels like the next step. Which means God has it already figured out! So please keep us in your prayers with it all.  Especially for a building or the use of a space that would work well.  We look forward to hearing from you ! Most of you are on our prayer list already, but feel free to email any special prayer requests. God is good!

God has blessed Mick with having some beautiful articles published in Connecticut Cottages and Gardens magazine this fall.

PS:  For my birthday, Michael took me to hear the American Symphony at the Fisher Center at Bard College. Amazing experience!

September Harvest in the Hudson Valley

Kingdom School has started!  We are so blessed and excited to have gotten off to a Spirit filled start with 19 students who are handpicked by God, it seems to me!  Each day of classes, more revelation about who God is, and who we REALLY are in Him.  I am so excited I can hardly stand it!

As part of the School, students have a daily Bible reading from a study put together by Global Awakening.  I am finding it to be foundational to really walking this path with God.  Here’s an excerpt from last week’s reading from Romans 8:27-28 (The Message translation):

 “What we’ve learned is this: God does not respond to what WE do; we respond to what GOD does. We’ve finally figured it out.  Our lives get in step with God and all others by letting Him set the pace, not by proudly or anxiously trying to run the parade.”

And  “God sets right all who welcome His action and enter into it, both those who follow our religious system and those who have never heard of our religion.”  Romans 8:30.

I just am so happy with being able to experience through the Kingdom School all the advanced ministry teachings available through Global Awakening.  We are telecasting by internet the classes held on site in PA, so we have fresh material every week.

 Michael is doing an amazing job as director of the school and I am looking forward to the Spring when people have been filled with all this good material and confidence building in living life with an alive Jesus operating within them.  

I, Christine, have realized how much God wants me to fulfill His call on my life as an artist.  I have jumped into some community art events and am making friends with whom I will share my love of Jesus through sharing our art experiences.    God has blessed me with several commissions which I am working on; here is one of my favorites – Christ the Healer (it’s unfinished yet) .

I. Michael, am also very excited about the school and we are already hearing of some of the fruit; Episcopal services taking twice as long as usual because everyone was given a word of prophecy. A high school was taught how to communicate with God from one of our students and they were crying as they gave their testimonies of what God had said to them. It is so wonderful what God is doing. It is like watching a flower unfold and we know there is so much more to come.

Now we start to do more outreach and we know that this is where the teachings we have heard become a  reality as God shows up when we go out in faith praying on the streets. This is one of the areas that I love to walk in, being natural praying for people who need healing on the streets, in supermarkets, bus stations, hairdressers, just where ever and teaching other people to become comfortable with it as well. God is so gentle and loving that as we see people with His heart we flow with what He is doing. It is so much fun when God takes over and takes things much further than you ever imagined. 

One of the wonderful parts of the school is our growing as a family as we all go through experiences with the Lord. This last weekend there has been the National Day of Prayer in Wembley Stadium England and also a huge gathering of prayer in Philadelphia,USA. We know that some of our English Christian family were there actively praying and crying out to the Lord.

Our relationship with them is founded on hours of praying together and it is as though we were standing there with them. But whether we gather in stadiums, in classrooms or house churches the wonderful thing about being a Christian is we are part of a huge family. When we move from one town to another, one nation to another we have family there already, God being the father and we are the brothers and sisters. There is nothing like it and we give thanks every day that we are part of that family and it is constantly growing. Wow. God is good all the time.

So family thank you for all your prayers and please do keep them coming. God is doing  wonderful things and we know there is so much more to come in this area.