Monthly Archives: September 2011

September and Transition

Dear Friends and Family:

As I write this we have almost all our belongings packed, the moving van is coming tomorrow, and we will be in New York October 6!  We are re-grouping in New York, getting ready for the winter and planning to return here to Bristol in April.

We are encouraged by so many prayer meetings and events which are happening across Bristol and the nation.  Last week the House of Prayer met at Vic Square and was a wonderful time of deep prayer, unity, and blessing.  The presence of God and His love was so evident and we are blessed by each person’s commitment to prayer and fellowship with us.  Thank You Lord!! That was followed last Thursday with a powerful prayer meeting at Carmel Church, more prayer at Hope Chapel about receiving God’s heart, and loving one another, especially going after the lost> Saturday was a major Renewal meeting at Elim Church with pastor Simon Foster scrapping his prepared talk and sharing that God was pressing on him for His love to be poured out for the lost in the city!    

Jesus said, “The harvest is the end of the age” (see Matthew 13:39)

” One of the most important things that we can do to be positioned to catch the wave that is coming is to come to know the gifts and ministries of the Spirit that we are called to walk in, and begin to walk in them. The Ephesians 4 mandate of all true New Testament ministry is to equip others to do the work of the ministry, not just do it ourselves. Those who do not obey this mandate will soon disappear from leadership in the church, and those who train and equip their people will be the future leaders of the body of Christ. These are the ones who are not burying the talents they’ve been entrusted with but are investing and multiplying them. We cannot accomplish what we must in these times without every part of the body doing its part.” Rick Joyner

We are very excited about Revival here in the UK.  We are blessed to be in fellowship with so many giving sacrificially to co labor with God’s plans for this Kingdom.  Michael and many others from Bristol went to the National Day of Prayer in London two weeks ago.  He came back and made one of his wonderful videos about it :
watch it at:

We are returning to New York to get our strength back and prepare for what the Lord is doing both in the UK and in America. As the video above shows many people are sowing into England with declaration and meetings. The riots here in May has started a fire burning in the Christian community and we hope that it will continue to increase as we all move into a time of God’s Glory. We believe 2012 is going to be very active here for the Lord.

We are excited to return to New York because our family is also ready to spend some serious time with us and we really want to do that as well.

New York has also been hit with the recent storms and there is a real need within our local community for us to pitch in. The longer vision still unfolding is to answer a word God gave Michael while in prayer to ‘build an ark in Philmont’.  We believe God will start to unpack that as we start to reconnect in New York. We also got the word to set our course for the UK and America so we believe there will be a bridge between the two. We are also believing that we will come alongside Alun and Donna Leppitt in Southampton, England, with the work they are doing with Global Awakening in England in the spring.

We will be getting ordained at the Voice of the Apostle’s Conference In Lancaster PA, Oct 19-23.  You can watch the ordination  (which will be Thursday evening) or any of the meetings with Bill Johnson, Randy Clark, Heidi and Rolland Baker, Georgian and Winnie Banov etc.  We would love to have you there by webcast!!  Here’s the link for the schedule and sign up:

So this is a major time of transition for us and we really appreciate all of your prayers.

As always, we send you our love and prayers,

Michael and Christine