Monthly Archives: May 2013

Shaking It Up!

Does it seem to you that God is doing a lot of shaking of things these days?  The ups and downs of living every day in world where the weather has gone off the charts, the news is hard to listen to, and the internal chatter is often not exactly helpful.  “Pray without ceasing”, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, seems to be my refuge.  When I pray in the middle of negative thoughts, I literally experience a shift in my world.  It’s so exciting.  It feels like we are entering a new time of promise and excitement as we hold on to our dreams and move forward in spite of obstacles.


We began May with the Graduation of the   GSSM Kingdom Satellite School students. What a day!  We had over 100 visitors, and all remarked on feeling the Presence of God when they walked in to our worship.grad  What an honor to steward these students through this last school year and watch them become transformed through this amazing program that releases God’s love in ever greater degrees.  Such powerful testimonies.  Pastor Jay Francis of Rock Road Chapel, Berne, NY, gave a great commencement address on Revival and its cost, and the students offered prophetic words to the first 37 people who took a ticket for the Prophetic Presbytery.,   Both students and those receiving a prophetic word were lifted up as God gave each one the revelation they needed.  So many were impressed with the accuracy of the Words they received.  Truly blessings were had by all.gotherdun

I think Michael and I felt a tremendous sense of achievement and happiness that the school blessed us and so many people.  now we look forward to continuing on for next fall with a new first year and a follow up /outreach class for the graduates from this year.  As we grow in our relationships with area leaders and churches, we hope to connect up our graduates with many outreach IMG_3671opportunities in the years to come.

Our good friends Bob & Marge Morrison, ANGA Ambassadors from Global Awakening visited us – a layover while waiting to pick up their children arriving back from the Mission field at the NYC Airport.


We had a great time visiting Stonecrop Gardens with them.


We also had great visits from our children- Mark, Kristi and our grandaughter Carwen who had her first painting lesson!







I would like to have a service remembering the martyrs of our faith on MEMORIAL DAY, too!  And the original Patriots who fought the Revolutionary war because we owe so much to those who suffered even unto death that we might have all that we have today.IMG_6056

Christine has added an icon teaching class to her schedule for the summer in Woodstock and also changed the location of the Albany class to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Colonie.  Her “Mandylion’ icon is in a group exhibition now at WAAM in Woodstock and her contemporary drawings  will be in a group exhibition in Kingston in July.  She’s trying to finish up a grant request to fund a major exhibition in 2014, so please keep her in your prayers for all this!   Michael has been photographing when possible, some beautiful gardens.  We are praying for him to get a good garden book going this year, so we ask you prayers for this also.

IMG_3821Also, a great visit with daughter Micah and son-in law Tore. His film, “Abel’s Field” is available nationally – Walmart,, etc. so it’s time to get your copy.  Very inpiring to see a contemporary Biblical story that is well done!

One last thing- last month Christine felt led to write an article for the local paper on Community Transformation Through Prayer.  A woman, Brenda Van Alphen,  called up in response to this and said she was trying to get a revival going in Philmont for June 1 and she was in despair that no one would help her – would we help?  Since then Michael has held two meetings with Brenda and all the pastors in Philmont who are now working together to participate in the Revival.  Brenda hired the town Park for the day and will be providing free hot dogs and hamburgers as well as having preachers and singers coming from all over.  philmontOur Kingdom school will have a table called “Destiny Refreshment” to talk to people and give them encouraging words from God.  We are all so excited to see what God’s going to do!  we are praying that this will be an atmosphere changer, and that churches will once again flourish in the area.

So many things we need your prayers for!  Thank you, thank you!  And please let us know how we can pray for you – it is a joy to do so!

Love and blessings to you!   Michael and Christine