Monthly Archives: July 2012

The Kingdom School Builds Momentum!

Hello Family and Friends!

We are grateful for such great weather and the beauty and fullness of a Hudson Valley summer.        At the same time, we are excited about the Opening of the Olympics in London. The opening ceremonies were inspiring and the bell ringing across the nation as “a prophetic act, a turning point, which will shape the future of the nation”  sponsored by the More than Gold Agency which helped churches make the most of the games asked everyone to join in and pray at 8:12AM on July 27 for God’s Kingdom to come and for there to be a turning point in the nation.

We are very excited too about our “Kingdom School” opening in September here in the Hudson Valley.  

Here’s a quote from a book my friend Carol leant me by Jerry Trousdale, “Miraculous Movements” that explains the ethos around the type of evangelism we feel the school will encourage:

“But Jesus’ example takes a different approach: in fact, it works almost in the reverse. Jesus chose some ordinary men to walk with Him as He revealed the truths of God and asked them to live their lives according to those values.  Eventually they began to do what He did and they also began to experience God’s power and blessings in their own lives.”

We are so excited about presenting this school to the Hudson Valley where we already see the beginnings of Revival in many of our friends who are quietly, tirelessly investing in planting God seeds in their communities.  We believe the school will strengthen these folks as well as produce a crop of new, young people to continue reaching our communities with faith and works of the Gospel.

I, Christine have been taking online classes in growing an art community through exhibitions, talks and teaching classes.  I know that many artists have been alienated from their faith through constant contact with todays art world.  I know we can grow together in art and faith, and that is what I am investing in, in addition to the Kingdom School.  That, and completing some commissions and helping Michael with admin ( 🙂 ) is how God is blessing me with a beautiful summer.  You are all in our prayers every day. May God continue to pour out His blessings and healing on you and your families.

I Michael, have been trying to get the word out about the Kingdom School looking for people in the area who are hungry for more of Jesus. It is a great opportunity for people to get to receive teaching from over 45 people who have poured their lives out for the Lord and learn from their personal experience in many different areas. So I am meeting with pastors and people to see who wants to pick up the commitment of learning to walk naturally in the supernatural. The classes will be online, broadcast from GSSM in Mechanicsburg, PA to one of our locations: Gospel Community Church, Coxsackie, or St. Michael’s Church, Colonie, NY.  We are getting some great people who want to do it and I am very excited that it will create a pool of people in the Albany region who are ready to push into what God is doing here.

This month I have traveled for my photography work and flew across this enormous country. When you travel you get snap shots of what the country is up to: like advertising trying out machine guns in Nevada, having Buddha in a phone booth in New York or looking at beautiful wildflowers overtaking pastureland of a dairy farm in its first year closed down.

Thank God we have a powerful God who can save a nation in a day. We are praying for revival in our area and please join us in prayer that God would bring the people and resources for the Kingdom School to thrive.

Lots of love and prayers,

Christine and Michael

PS: Thanks to  all of you who are  partnering with Kingdom Arts Ministry by praying for us, and for contributing financially. We can’t do this without you!! Please send  checks made out  to: “Unto Life”, care of Michael Hales, PO Box 927, Philmont, NY  12565  

PPS: There’s a seat waiting for you at The Kingdom School!  The Kingdom School is a Satellite School of Randy Clark’s Global Awakening Ministry.

June-the Beautiful and the Busy Month!

Hello Family, Friends, and Intercessors:

We want to thank all of you for your love, support, and prayers as we have made our transition from USA to UK and back to USA again.  We know we will continue to build missionary bridges with England over the next few years, and our home base is here in New York.  You may remember how so many times last year we asked for your prayers for discernment on God’s plans for us, and now we are feeling confident and excited about the upcoming months.

We are planning the GSSM Satellite School which we will be starting in September as an intensive two day a week program for those who want to go deeper in their relationship with God.  The GSSM School will have guest speakers from across the nations telecast weekly by satellite to our upstate New York location.

This will be a school for the spiritually hungry, ages 18 through 98 where people of different Christian backgrounds can come together for devotion, Bible study, and putting into  practice the insights and gifts awakened through the year long course.

The parent school of GSSM, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry  Redding, CA, which was stated almost ten years ago by Pastor Bill Johnson, now has over 1400 students from around the world coming to be equipped to impact their world and fulfill the work of the Great Commission right where they live and work.

Four years ago we moved house to live in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania for two years in order to receive this training and we are very excited to be able to bring it back here to the Hudson Valley, believing that through the transformation of Christian leadership here, the impact on our communities will be great and we will begin to see Christianity once ago a powerful loving force in ours everyday lives.

We are very excited about the school because of own transformational experience we had when we went through it. We strongly believe it will touch the hearts of those who are really hungry to go further in the Lord. Romans 12:2, ‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.’ We have a vision of Christians who are part of the world but have been transformed walking fully in the active power and love of the Holy Spirit. We believe it will touch the lives of people in this area for generations to come. God is waiting for those who want to go further with Him, young and old,  what matters is the desire to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. That is why we are so excited to have a group of people from different churches  jump on board, dedicate the time and resources  to be transformed and be active for God in this area. It is a big commitment but I can not think of a better thing to do except, that is, move to Redding, CA or Mechanicsburg, PA.

We are making up information packets and sending information by email to interested people so email us if you’d like to hear more!  I plan to continue teaching two iconography classes- one is in Woodstock where I hope artists who are seeking for spirituality will come and be blessed by God’s presence in the icons.  And we are moving the Albany icon class to St. Michael’s Church in Colonie as of July 9.  I’m very excited to be able to teach about prayer and iconography and feel this will be an exciting chance to develop even more in the direction God has laid out for me.

You are all in our Daily Prayers.  We pray for God’s blessings to overtake you and surprise you with His goodness at every turn.  Please let us know how we can pray specifically for you.

Love and Prayers,

Christine and Michael