Monthly Archives: March 2011

Ides of March!!

We send you all blessings and love from our post in Bristol.  More than ever, we are convinced of God’s goodness and faithfulness as we make our way along in this spiritual adventure. God has blessed us with some really good spiritual friends and companions here who provide the good food of the Gospel in our fellowship times together. We love that!!  It’s worth so much!

Our House of Prayer is continuing to bless this area of the UK on a monthly basis.  Michael feels led to develop  spiritual mapping and organize prayer walks in the different areas of Bristol to increase the prayer covering.  We are praying for an open heaven over Bristol, that God’s Kingdom will come in power.   We see signs of that all around, like our street is a much quieter, cleaner street than it used to be.  We know many of our neighbors and Michael brought tea to some brick layers last week who said they had never seen such a friendly street!   Further developments in teams of people praying in the streets are spreading out across the denominations all over Bristol .      People are uniting to pray for healing and God’s Presence everywhere!  Oh how good are the movements of God’s Holy Sprit amongst His people.  during a prayer session with Fr. Scott Evans when he was here, Michael heard God tell him to payer walk the streets for at least an hour a day, and he will take care of the rest.  Michael has been faithful to that and continues to have amazing experiences and is gaining a perspective of the hurting and lost in our area.  He walks miles all around Bristol declaring out loud ‘Jesus Christ is Lord of this nation’ and other prayers.  He now feels called to start picking up the work that has been done of spiritual mapping in Bristol and to take it to a place where we can initiate intercession into different areas of the past and present for the city. We feel God has been blessing us during this time in so many ways.    We’ve just returned from a two day trip to London, where Michael had been given a pass (worth £700!) to a two day workshop on the digital media revolution put on by the British Association of Film makers.  He feels that we as Christians need to know how fast technology is changing and the effects it is going to have on society. We need to have Christians speaking out and leading in these areas because the industry is going ahead as fast as it can often without thought of the direction and consequences of what is developing. He has gained quite a perspective which I’m sure will be put into practice in the days and weeks ahead.

We were blessed with a wonderful visit from our son Mark who came here on business.  We had such a good visit, with a day in London at the British Museum – his primary desire was to see the Rosetta Stone!     We also visited Assyrian and Egyptian art which took place during the time of the old testament – so fascinating to see the art that was created in those times.

God’s been giving me revelation about art, and the icons, which I need to process now in the studio.  I am being asked to re define with more clarity what my mission for the Kingdom is in art.  Part of that is a call to excellence so I am visiting museums, seeing old and contemporary art.  I will be studying at the Florence academy of Art in July classical portraiture.  I’m very excited.  I’m also volunteering next week to help sell Christian art at a major Christian conference called Spring Harvest.  I’m continuing to teach two watercolor classes each week and want to have a more full on teaching job for the fall.  We may be commuting to London on a weekly basis to get work.

Here are our prayer requests for the next month:

  • that God will give us clear discernment about whether to stay here or return to NY where our house is.
  • Financial breakthrough, in jobs, sales of paintings, and any other income stream the Lord wants to open up for us to finance our endeavors.  This is high priority!
  • Successful resolution of our house in NY – either a good sale or a good rental.
  • Spiritual Protection – particularly on financial and health issues.
  • Prayer for the Christian community to play a part in the digital revolution which is underway, in healthcare, education, music, video and interactive games.
  • Spiritual mapping of Bristol can come together through many people working together on it.
  • That Christian videographers in Bristol would start working together to witness what God is doing here.

We continue to be blessed by serving as chaplains at Frenchay Hospital with a dedicated group from Woodlands Church.

So, we love you, value your prayers, and love to hear from you.  Blessings and love, Christine and Michael