Monthly Archives: April 2012

Spring Prayers

We have had such a dry winter and spring that the landscape was looking really dried out gasping for rain. Finally we had two days of soft rain and spring is really here and the trees are filling out with fresh green leaves. Sometimes it takes a long time for a breakthrough to come but when you have faith that it is going to happen you keep pushing and pushing for it.

We just had a wonderful weekend with Tom and Maryln Litteer at Living Waters fellowship in Newton, NJ, and we were praying for healing for people. On the Friday evening while praying for someone I got a word from the Lord, ‘Egypt’ so I asked the person we were praying for if that meant anything to her. She said ‘No’.  The next day we were praying for a man who had slight one hearing in one ear only and limited peripheral vision from birth. We were praying with him on and off through the day and at one point I asked him where he was from and he said ‘Egypt’. At that point I knew God meant to heal him and told him, ‘I believe God wants to heal you today,’ and related to him the word I had received the day before. So we kept on praying and praying and I would have given up but for that word we kept on pushing until God showed us how to pray for him and his breakthrough came. His non functioning ear opened up and he could hear with that ear and was not using a hearing aid in his other ear. We are still believing his eyes will open to a full vision as well. To watch someone receive a gift from the Lord like that is so beautiful as they truly understand how much God is a powerful God and loves them in a tangible way. It is as though they receive their own personal springtime with the Lord and all is made new for them.

We are so excited about what the Lord is doing in our area as we start to get feedback on the GSSM satellite school we will be starting in September with our friends Susan and Ralph Baker Borgeson. We are still getting the word out and gathering information as to who would be interested in joining the student body. It is such a great opportunity for people both young and old to be transformed into walking in the supernatural ways of the Kingdom of God naturally every day. We believe it is it a part of our calling in this season to get this underway.

One of the discernments which has come out of our Thursday evening gatherings for prayer and worship is the need to AWAKEN this area, that there is a spirit of slumber over it. The area has taken on the mantle of Rip Van Winkel, the fictitious character who slept through his responsibilities after taking a drink. We have the Rip Van Winkel bridge which joins Columbia and Greene counties, over the Hudson river. Today in our village we had an announcement that there is to be a large Rip Van Winkel puppet show on our village green this Saturday. So we are just praying for that spirit to be lifted off this area that there would be an awakening in the community of the presence of the living and active Lord.

In all these areas that we are involved with we really need to have your prayers. God asked us ‘To build an ark in Philmont.’ and sometimes we call out to Him for more direction. We do ask for your prayers in all we are doing here.

We are excited about re-connecting with our friends in England and joining in with the prayer movement at Penetecost. Prior to the ARISE Pentecost meeting in Bristol, the Olympic torch will pass through and along with it, a prayer baton.  Thousands of UK Churches are organizing to make the most of the media attention on their cities and creating prayer activities to engage people in God’s Kingdom!

From Charisma Christian News,  More than Goldorganizer, Peter Meadows said:”Our conviction is that prayer and mission go hand in hand as churches respond to the Games. So, we are inviting every church, group and organization to explore creative ways to pray for all that will happen before during and after the Games,”Visit for more information, and for Bristol related prayer events visit:

 We are so grateful to those of you who contributed to make the UK trip possible. Thank you!

Christine is planning a summer icon class on Tuesday afternoons in Woodstock, NY, God willing, and she’s been blessed with sales of some of her prophetic paintings this month.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers, as you are in ours.  We need each other! Love and blessings,  Michael and Christine

Is Revival Starting in Britain????

Dear Friends and Family:

We are excited to be  going on a mission trip to London and Bristol May 21 through May   30th to support our friends who are praying for Revival in England this spring!

Our House of Prayer partner, Sheena Tranter, and friends have organized “Arise Bristol”, an intercessory prayer event calling for people through out Bristol to gather, repent before God, experience reconciliation between each other, to gather as One Body, with One Vision for the Future of the City, Region and Nation on May 27 .

There will be prayer events throughout April leading up to Pentecost.  For more details and to see what other Christian events are happening now in Bristol, visit:  There will also be a meeting for the upcoming Global Day of Prayer in London which we will attend.

Thank you to all of you who have contributed to make this trip possible.   We believe God will more than cover our costs, and ask that you would pray about this being a possible opportunity for you to invest in missions at this time.  We believe that our spiritual heritage here in the United States is linked to the UK.  We want to ensure that Christians in both countries can worship freely.  Please help if you can by sending your tax deductible donations made out to “Unto Life” and sent to us at PO Box 927, Philmont, NY  12565.

Blessings to you all!

Here is a link to Michael’s ‘Revival England’ video he made just before leaving England on utube:

Love, Michael and Christine