Monthly Archives: February 2016

Artist and the Creator

Greetings Friends and Family:

Michael’s latest video called ‘Artist and The Creator,’ explores the ways people come to find God, especially artists.  Here is the link and what Michael has to say about it:

What we have found is the conventional ‘church’ is not the doorway that a lot of people come to know God. In fact there are a lot of people who come to know God through a 12 step recovery program without ever hearing a pastor preach. Perhaps it is the rigorous self honesty of the recovery programs that enables people the opportunity or the desire to seek God. Some might say there is more ‘church’ going on in the rooms of recovery than in “church proper’.

In terms of artists, which is who quite a lot of our ministry opportunities come from, often they are exploring creative gifts they have been given without making a connection that they came from a creator, or God. In our society where every thing points towards self- achievement, as the standard of success, there is little reason to give credit for our abilities to an outside body like God. However, for many artists who are involved with creating and creativity on a daily basis, there is a constant dialogue as to where their creative gifts came from, often on a subconscious level.


The county we live in, Columbia County, NY, is the third highest county in the USA for people working in the ‘creative economy’. There are a number of reasons for that, but certainly one of them is the incredibly beautiful countryside that we live in and for those who are able to see it, God’s hand is evident in creation all around us. After all this is the area where the Hudson River School of painters in the mid -19th century embodied the romantic vision of creation in their landscape paintings.

So the point is that there are many ways for people to come to know God and certainly He is yearning for us to find Him. Unfortunately, for so many people it stays in the subconscious, not coming to the front burner. Whether it is through a crisis in our lives which pushes us into recovery or the every day work of artists creating, God is there waiting for us to find him and His purpose for our lives.

WOW!  Great video Michael! I hope you all let him know your thoughts about it – I love seeing him grow in film making!

I’m just working everyday on finishing up the wonderful Graymoor Icon commission- Mother Lurana White and Fr. Paul Wattson, here are a working progress snap.  They are eight feet high, so the camera distorts the length here!



Also the artists potluck dinner is getting better and better and really functioning more as a community all the time.  Thank you all for your prayers- you are faithful companions on the journey and we love being part of yours too.

Let us know how we can best pray for you in the month ahead.

Love and blessings,

Michael and Christine

New Beginnings

Hello Friends:IMG_1301

Michael and I spent last month exploring the warm weather of Florida while we also reached out to local communities to share our art and prayers.  We have had a rewarding and healthy time and have come back refreshed and ready to try again to bring Revival to our area of New York.  Yikes. We have noticed the extreme difference in the faith climate between New York (Albany area) and Southern Florida before, but this time we were just so grateful to have so many people open to receiving prayer and teachings about Icons.  It certainly is a lot easier to minister when there is a large population of believing Christians of all different denominations.IMG_1253

“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy until the end of our lives.” Psalm 90:14  I gave an Icon lecture at Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota that was very well received.

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The lifestyle of an Iconographer involves, among other things, a disciplined practice of fasting, prayer, Scripture reading, and spiritual direction.  Sounds ascetic but in reality, the joy we experience by such frequent association with God brings so much joy and happiness, that it’s a wonder more people don’t live that way! 🙂  This year I plan to intensify my research, writing and teaching of Iconography. Particularly writing – I want to articulate in writing what I’ve learned is important in Icon Writing teaching and I plan to offer 5 day Icon writing workshops in different parts of the country, with God’s help.


The Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis is using my Stations of the Cross Icons for lent this year, praise God. Our Icon class is starting up again next week with a celebration of Shrove Tuesday!  Such a great group of people praying and writing Icons together. I am so blessed!

Michael has made three new videos that I will put as links here.  Really worth viewing!  I love the way he interviews people and they open up their hearts to share their testimonies. It is so encouraging!

Love Came Down from Michael Hales on Vimeo.

The purpose of making these videos was to develop a variety of styles to illustrate what can be created with really basic equipment. The videos are short and quite different but each has a message which glorifies God. Each video comes out of prayer and either relates to scripture or what Michael has discerned God is asking him to focus on. The titles: To know the love of God, [from Ephesians 3:17-19], Return to First Love: [Revelation 2:2-5.], and Love Came Down, each in its own way illustrates how God loves us. These are part of the ‘video project’ to teach and equip people, especially the youth, to create videos which glorify God in their local communities, which Michael is offering churches in the region. Part of the beauty of the ‘video project’ is that it gives people a ‘bridge’ through the act of videotaping and opens up opportunities for people to examine their faith and how God has worked in their lives. If you are interested in more information about the video project please let us know and please hold it up in prayer.

To Know the Love of God from Michael Hales on Vimeo.

Return to First Love from Michael Hales on Vimeo.

“You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest.  Every moment you know where I am. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.  You both precede and follow me.  You place your hand of blessing on my head.”  Psalm 139:3-5

We pray a blessing on each one of you. to receive all the love God has always wanted to give to you. May this next month especially blessed,

Love and prayers,

Christine and Michael