Monthly Archives: January 2012

January Thaw

Galatians 2:20

“And it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.  And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Hello Family and Friends!

Do you ever have times when it’s been hard to understand what God has been doing in your life?  I’ve certainly been challenged to understand why God asked us to give up our house and go to England, then come back again to the same house we gave up!But everything is completely different now.  It’s the same house, but completely different!  Same friends, but completely different!  And the difference is made crystal clear by Galatians 2:20, which is a gateway to a whole new life!  Now it doesn’t matter where I live, as long as Jesus is in me, and I in Him.

So, now we are praying with old friends in a new way.  We are different and they are different.  They have been traveling along the same path while we were away and we have so much more to share and plan about now.  We are so grateful for partnerships – people who are committed to what God is doing in us, sharing the rewards and the difficulties together.  You are part of what we are doing, and we want to partner with you in prayer for what God is doing in your lives too!

I’ve been practicing my portrait drawing every day.  We visited the Met in NYC last week and saw the Renaissance Portrait exhibition with our son in law Tore.

Really inspiring! Some of my recent drawings are above.

This week we are calling a gathering of people for healing prayer and worship which we expect will become a regular bi weekly event. It is the first tangible step in God calling us to ‘build an ark in Philmont’, but there have been many God appointments and developing relationships building up to  it. God is doing a work here. He is gathering people into this region, there is a shaking happening in the churches and people are looking for a well of the Holy Spirit. Many ministers are needing a place to be restored themselves. There are pockets of fires burning for Christ which are isolated and need to come together to create a critical mass. The distance between these house churches, prayer groups and bible studies is a critical factor, people have to drive an hour or more at least when gathering. But God! But God is doing a work here.

When Heidi Baker prayed over us at our ordination she was declaring, ‘Go low and Go slow’. We have been under so many attacks that we know God is working here. The very fact we have the same house except it has a new purpose and mission could only be orchestrated by God. This last month I have gone over in my heart all that we have gone through to move to England and then back here again and calling out to God about it, so God gave me a word; ‘Its not your job to worry about what you achieved in England, Michael, but it is your job to SEED IN FAITH.’  As we hear now what is happening in Bristol, it is so exciting to see how God is working there now. I am sure as the churches start to work together in Bristol there will finally be a critical flow of the Holy Spirit for revival in England. We hope to be going back to England at the end of April to help with what God is doing there with a call for action before Pentecost.

Meanwhile God is working here and we are excited to see how people are coming together. We know we are called to seed in faith and let God do the watering. Please keep all this in your prayers as we continue to walk with God and see His presence here in Philmont.