Monthly Archives: July 2015

Healing Prayer Day in Philmont, NY

Dear Friends and Family:  photo

This past week we had a week’s holiday at the beach – God blessed us so much! We have made some good friends there and feel like we are becoming part of the beach family. Yay!  Now we are back at work, and today I’ve been working since 5:30 am (it’s 5:30pm now), just so you know :).  Seriously, working refreshed is a lot better than working stressed out, praise God!

I’m working on developing my oil painting right now, as well as a new Icon of Saint Brigid that I am excited about.  But this coming Saturday is the Healing Prayer Day in Philmont that Michael is organizing and we want to tell you about it and ask for your prayers to cover it from now right up through the event.

Michael has invited Rick Cecil, one of the team of praying in the streets in Baltimore, MD, to come as well as Stephen Stewart to play guitar for worship.  We will be offering free hamburgers, hot dogs and cotton candy, but the emphasis  will be on healing prayer.

John 10:10 “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill,  and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.”IMG_5345

We’ve been asking for your prayers for Philmont for some time. There is an epidemic of heroin use and child abuse in the village.  We can’t silently stand by without raising the call for healing and prayer. Will you help us?  If all of you prayed, it would move mountains.  We ask for your prayers especially this week, that all those who need God’s healing will come, and that God would raise up a mighty army that will give His victory to save His children from destruction, poverty, and abuse.


We pray that  Philmont will be a drug free zone. That workers will rise up to create educational programs for the youth, that Godly employment will be found for them, and small children will be protected from predators of all kinds.IMG_3113

Lord, God, we thank you for protecting us from every form of evil and bringing  us the gift of your divine health. We thank you for breaking the chains of oppression and delivering us from every form of sin, addiction, sickness, disease, and lie of the enemy, and we ask this in the name of Jesus.

We love you all and are so grateful to know that we can count on your prayer support.  And please keep us aware of how we can pray for you!  The gathering is Saturday, August 1, 2-5PM at the Claverack Town Park. Free and open to the public!
