Monthly Archives: January 2014

Radical Generosity

Greetings Friends and Family:photo copy 10

While it is sad taking down the sparkly Christmas decorations and all the holiday get togethers are now in the past, it is also exciting to dig in, once again, to WORK!!  We are so blessed to love our work. Work certainly is not easy, but it is stimulating and interesting to research new icons, begin drawings, prepare for the new school semester for iconography and Kingdom School and visiting new clients.


Last night in Kingdom School, we watched a talk by Bill Johnson from Bethel Church, Redding, CA.  It was one of the most important talks for me in a long while.  In it, he shares about how walking in power attracts rejection.  He talks about how to respond and he also talks about Daniel and his ability to have favor in a very hostile environment.  Radical generosity was demonstrated when God sent His only son to be born in a manger to bless a world full of sinners.  Bill is such an inspiration of one who holds a vision for Revival locally and internationally and who demonstrates the ways of effective and honorable leadership.  We are so thankful to be part of that Apostolic Network and look forward to the day that more of that is alive here in the Albany area.

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God is inspiring me to paint icons the way He is showing me now, and that is allowing me to evolve an individual style.  It is so exciting partnering with God – highly recommended way to go!  This small Christ study and the Saint Benedict icon are on the path to what I’m developing.  I  Can’t tell you how exciting that is to see where He will take it.   I feel the way my little granddaughter must have felt the other day on her first sled ride in Boston!   photo copy 5

I now have an icon blog and will be teaching two additional classes this winter in order to fund a project I have in mind for next winter.  I’ll be giving a demonstration of icon writing in Troy later this month at the Art Center as part of an opening reception for an exhibition of my and my students icons which is part of a larger three gallery show.  I’m looking forward to all the new people to share God’s love with!! Yippee! How different from when I used to have artist openings, BC (Before Christ :)).  I always have had Christ in my life, but being transformed is another story.  As you know.

My wonderful, spirit filled husband is taking three of our students to the Pursuit Conference in PA this month – they will have an amazing time!  He is also working on developing new clients and navigating promotion in the social networking world.  His website is always developing and looking stunning.   mick&christine

Michael’s birthday was Christmas Eve, so we went to the Boston Ballet for the Nutcracker Suite and then on to Trinity Church in Boston for Christmas Eve serve.  Truly a night to remember.

For Christmas we were blessed to share christmas stockings in Boston on christmas morning with our lovely daughter in law, Kristi, brilliant son, Mark and beautiful granddaughter Carwen.  I made Yorkshire puddings in honor of Michael and the UK!   IMG_5698

In ourselves, we are experiencing the value of having had the Global Awakening training with it’s emphasis on healing both inner and physical.  We have studied under the best teachers and are exploring how to bring that to the Albany area next year.  We so much appreciate your prayers for God’s hand to be upon us not only for provision, but guidance and direction and fruitful partnerships.
There’s so much more I’d like to share but give us a call, write or get together with us.  We love you and miss you,

Michael and Christine

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.