Monthly Archives: October 2014

October Blessings

Dear Friends and Family:IMG_7482

The beauty of a Hudson Valley fall is upon us! And with that, so many artful things to do that we keep hopping from one opening to another. Yesterday was Arts walk with my new Ezekiel making it’s debut on Warren Street. The link to my arts/Icon blog is here for more of my art information.

We have been praying for peace in Syria and the Ukraine, asking God to dispatch His angels to protect the innocent and bring miracles to His people.

IMG_7476In Icon class last week, we read of the Celtic Saint Connaire the Pious who, while she was praying, all the churches in Ireland appeared to her in a vision. It seemed that a tower of fire rose up to heaven from each side of those churches.  There’s more to her story, particularly about her petitioning for a women’s right to a Holy burial to St Senan.

“You are persistent said Senan.”

“Well then,Cannaire replied,”Will I get what I asked for? Will you give me a place to live on this  island and the  Holy Sacrament of Eucharist?”  HIs answer was yes! She wasn’t afraid to petition with persistence and that is what we are doing now for the middle East.  Petitioning persistently with prayer.  (The Connaire story comes from the Celtic daily Prayer Book put out bu the Northumbria Community.)IMG_7359

Michael has been visiting many churches and praying with Pastors in our area. He is seeing more and more pastors and leaders being repositioned, moving from one situation or church to start something new, often not knowing what is next but believing that God has called them out of where they had been. He has also discerned that the governance nature of Albany as Capital of New York state, has many feeder influences from other constituents which do not want there to be a spiritual change in Albany which requires a different form of intercession. We are praying into having a local prayer community in addition to the outreach we do in Albany.  We plan to launch a prayer gathering in November and another one in January . We very much appreciate your prayers for God’s wisdom and guidance.

God has been blessing us both with many new friendships and opportunities to meet people who are not churched. That is where we feel led, to use the Celtic model of Evangelization that calls for formation of relationships and friendships first.  It is wonderful and we are kept pretty busy with it all


I was blessed to present my drawings for the eight large icons for Saint Vincent’s Church in Albany today. They are going to be a beautiful blend of old and new.  So excited to begin the painting now! Please do keep us in your prayers -we can feel them and you are in ours!


Michael and Christine

“He walks with God who speaks to God in prayer, IMG_7494

and brings to Him his daily care.”