Monthly Archives: June 2015

June Flowers

Dear Friends and Family: photo

“So we don’t look at the troubles we can see right now; rather we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

Here in Philmont, NY, there is a heroin epidemic among the young and poor. This is a small village – maybe 700 people, and yet our youth are living with such low hope.  It’s generational here.  When you drive into town you see the 20 and thirty somethings on their front porches, little children running around, glazed looks in the parents’ eyes.  It’s so sad and seemingly unstoppable.  As I describe this, I want to also describe “the future we have not seen”.  I have a vision for Philmont becoming a safe place for children to grow up, with no drugs allowed in the area.  A drug free zone.  Won’t you join us in prayer for the youth of Philmont?  We know that prayer is powerful, and God can change the destiny of a place and its people.  In the weeks and months ahead, please pray some time each day for Philmont to be drug free and a safe place for children to grow up. photo 3

I’m working hard on painting- I have three galleries now that I have to bring in paintings, take back paintings, etc.. The exhibition in Chatham at the Bookstore sold three paintings! Praise God!  Also have a new Icon commission so am busy trying to stay organized. Please pray for me to find a good computer person to help me with the administrative tasks. 🙂

I’m taking a break from the Artists & Friends Community Potluck Dinners for July and August, hoping to get someone to help with it all. We’ll start back again September 19.

“One out of a hundred will read a bible. The other 99 will read you and me. Hopefully we are an accurate translation.”  Dutch Sheets

Michael has his Healing Day in Philmont on August 1 where we’ve rented the town pavilion for the day. Please keep that in prayer, that miracles will happen and people will get set free:    photo

That day is one of five dates set for different outside activities scheduled by a group of pastors from Columbia County joining together under the heading, ‘God Belongs in Our County’. They are set to take place in Claverack Town Park, Chatham, Greenport and Hudson. Michael has asked an evangelist from Baltimore, Rick Cecil to be among the speakers for that day and is expecting  worship music from past Kingdom School students. There have been so many predictions and words about the train coming in or the big wave moving through the Hudson Valley of God’s presence I found this picture at the Hudson Railway station particularly appropriate. Please keep this area in your

We love you all and keep you in our prayers, May God continue to bless you and your families, keep you safe from all harm and provide for a surplus of all your needs.  Help us to be mindful of the needs of others.

Christine and Michael