Monthly Archives: March 2013

Easter 2013

Hello Friends and Family:

photoIt’s Easter tomorrow, having come so early this year as to be in advance of most signs of spring.  It seems odd, walking and praying in the countryside the day before Easter and it’s still winter!  But Sunday’s comin’!  photo

“Father, it’s time.

Display the bright splendor of Your Son

So the Son may in turn show your bright splendor.” John 17:1  Message


I know for us this last many months have been long days and nights of hard work, prayer, and hope that we can make an impact in our spheres of influence that will show Christ’s love in a meaningful way.  Sometimes that looks like teaching, sometimes forgiving, a lot of loving people and calling them higher, traveling from place to place and reaching out to share what we have been given.

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Starting a contemporary ministry school in Albany, NY where 97% of the population is unchurched has been both rewarding and challenging.  We both are in awe of our students and their dedication and commitment to growing in their relationship to God.  We love watching them transform into more of what God created them to be, and we ourselves are experiencing similar transformation.  And it’s not done yet!  We have a major conference in Lancaster Pa- the Voice of the Prophets Conference in April which the entire school is going to.  We are all fasting and praying for major breakthroughs for that conference.

We were very blessed to have Global Awakening’s School Director, Michael Hutchings, come for a two day visit during which he hit home runs everywhere he went!  At school he gave prophetic words and encouragement to the students, as well as inspired teaching on the Kingdom.  The next day he preached at Gospel Community Church in Coxsackie, NY and we were all blessed by not only his anointed preaching, but also by the youth of that church sharing their testimonies of having gone out by themselves to pray for people at the mall.  We are praying for more experiences like we had with the youth at Coxsackie.  Michael and I are organizing several Outreach days for our students to preach and teach in area churches throughout the spring and summer.  We are considering having a second year starting in the fall as well as another first year of training.  So, please keep all this in your prayers.  We feel very much in keeping with the season – lots of hope and promise but the ground is still very cold!

We bought this rooster painting today from Hudson street artist “Earl”.  Seemed appropriate for the season!   photo


I have two pieces in a digital art exhibition called “Holy Men, Holy Women”, and will be taking part in a panel discussion with other exhibitors from the Windows on Heaven exhibition in Metuchen, NJ where ten of my icons are currently on display.

Michael has two new articles recently published in NYC & G and in Flower magazine. He also gave a talk in Southampton at the Madoo Conservatory called ‘Catch the Eye’, about how our eye works in a garden, for our friend Robert Dash painter and gardener.

We are very excited about what the summer brings and look forward to a busy year preparing for the next year with Kingdom GSSM Satellite

Please keep us in your prayers, as you are in ours.

Love & Prayers,

Michael and Christine