Monthly Archives: June 2013

Philmont Community Spirit Day 2013

Hello friends and family, and students:  photo copy 12

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Thank you so much for your prayers for Philmont Spirit Day!  We could feel the Presence of the Lord, and it has been a blessed experience from beginning to end.  I know many of you have been praying so I wanted to send you some photos.  We are believing there will be much fruit for the Kingdom in the years to come.

You’ve probably heard us tell you how God had put it on my hear to write an article for the local paper on Community Transformation Through Prayer.  I did, and it was published, but there was no response  until we were t VOP and we got a call from Brenda McAlphen, a life long Philmont resident, that she had read that article and she desperately needed someone to help her – would we help her hold a Revival in Philmont June 1!photo photo copy 19

God had clearly spoken to her to do this and she had already hired the town park.  We were so happy to partner with her and God caused many more people to partner with Brenda too.  Pastor John Miller brought a huge tent, cooking gear and helpers from his church to cook   the free hot dogs and hamburgers Brenda was giving away.  Calvary Assembly of God, Stottville, Pastors and church members helped with setting up and cleaning up, worship and praise singing , and following the photos is a list of those who donated money to buy the copy 14 photo copy 15 photo copy 13 photo copy 10

Brenda felt God had put this on her heart because she remembers a time when children ran and played in Philmont, there were active churches, God was spoken about all the time and the atmosphere was one of Christian love.

Thank you so much for your prayers.

What has been amazing in this day of worship and praise for God in Philmont is the way God brought it all together.  At first  it seemed like nothing was going to happen, but we kept encouraging each other to be obedient.  Brenda was amazing, going out to ask for donations.


Then, Michael and I had meetings in our home with all the pastors in Philmont to invite their participation.  After that, Pastor John Miller blessed the day with so much, and Brenda had the young men from Teen Challenge some and they were awesome!

The Presence of the Lord was so beautiful all day – even in  the intense heat, the

event was under a large roof and there was a sweet breeze flowing gently through all day.  I know it was God’s angels activating the place.

photo copy 3  For a village of 623 people-and probably 40 church goers at most, we had about 200 people come, get face painted, Carol and Nancy made balloon swords and animals – very popular -Wayne and Kerri helped them and also activated little kids with the bubbles and bubble wands we brought, and free hot dogs and hamburgers.  I gave out prophetic Scriptures, read them over people. One young man after I read a portion of Psalm 91 over him and prophesied that God has His protection all around him, pointed to his tattoo saying he was a firefighter!  He was beaming as he put the Psalm in his pocket.

photo copy 18photo copy 7     I would say that very few of the “church” people came, but the poor, the tattoo filled young people, and Teen Challenge people were in abundance.  Praise God.  Our booth had a banner proclaiming the Kingdom School logo and the words “Destiny Refreshment”  .
Here is a list of those Philmont people Brenda McAlphen and all of us would like to thank:

Price Chopper      IMG_1726

Shop Rite

Sharper Image


Skip Speed

John Campeta

Rick and Linda Howland            photo copy 16

George & Pat Palmatier

Tom & Sharon Fink     Atmost

Dr. Baillargeon

Ginsbergs Foods

Claverack Market


Hannafords Supermarket                       photo copy 17


Mellenville Fire Co.

Bill Williams

Sheriff Operation Child

Ice House


We Praise and thank God for ALL He is doing in Philmont!!  More, Lord.